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    Breathless Angel - New Year Exercise  Part 6

    Clip Description

    Demetrius wastes a little bit of time hand carrying the camera in this video to get some great close ups. Unfortunately for angel, that means having to take a few extra seconds away from her before she is releived of .

    Clip Duration:      5 minutes
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    wmv55.18 MB

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    Breathless Angel - New Year Exercise  Part 6

    Breathless Angel - New Year Exercise  Part 6

    Breathless Angel - New Year Exercise  Part 6

    Breathless Angel - New Year Exercise  Part 6

    Breathless Angel - New Year Exercise  Part 6

    Breathless Angel - New Year Exercise  Part 6
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    New Year Exercise  Part 5 - Demetrius was kind enough to give angel a little sip of his beer (she is old enough to *****, I swear) before placing her in the clear rebreather cap. Yeah, that just about ends his kindness for this video . . .

    Weather Balloon Fear Part 1 - What angel likes to call one of her two scariest sessions to date, she finds herself suspended by the arms on her tiptoes, ankles and knees bound, and a new latex sheet is used upon her deviously by demetrius. Much writhing and struggling on this must see video!

    Capped Bodysack Part 3 - Remember that whole thing about demetrius being evil we were talking about back in 088? Yeah . . . Here is proof. Demetrius, angel in the body sac, and a silicone swim cap.

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    Angels Vac Sac Test - Ever want to know what it’s like to be vacuumed-packed? So did angel, and here she gets her first taste. She does pretty well, for not having any air in there, but come on, she can do better, right? Ok, let’s not push it. Give her a hand for a great job!

    Seated Rebreather Hood  Part 4 - One last trip into the rebreather hood, and demetrius is going to make it count, by completely sealing the hood off, and making her breathe her own air until she **********. Excellent work demetrius. Love those pleading sounds from angel.

    New Year Exercise  Part 2 - The leather hood is a real laster for angel, she can stay in that thing forever. Well, we can’t always let her be happy. So we decide to let her out to prep for more devious ideas . . . And we get to poke fun at our friends across the pond in asylum media ltd . . . Listen towards the end, and you will catch it. Damn welsh . . .  Just kidding guys!

    Seated Rebreather Hood  Part 3 - Let’s fuck with angel some more! At least, that’s what it seems demetrius was thinking when he made this section of the video session, as he closes angels breathing hole, and then give her the plastic bag treatment before making her beg to get out. He grants her the wish, and she promptly **********. How cool is that?

    Fun With New Toys Full - Here dem takes out the new vinyl full enclosure hood, latex ********** hood, and the awesome vac body sack! Add in some breathing hole , and a very nice manual throttling at the end, and you have one passed-out angel.

    Chair Bagged And  Part 3 - Let’s put the bag on just a bit tighter, shall we? Yes we still give her a bti opf breathing room, but this time, she better be sure that she snaps the right number of times. Panic set in, angel moans a bit, and then off to the slumber party . . .

    Capped Bodysack Part 2 - Can demetrius be evil at times? Yes. Can angel be more stubborn than demetrius can be mean? Definitely. Angel proves it very well here, as she refuses to let demetrius take the re-breather off until after she **********. The awakening at the end is historical.

    New Year Exercise  Part 3 - So, what’s better than seeing angel tied to an exercise machine with a sealed leather rebreathing hood? Angel tied to an exercise machine with a latex rebreathing cap on, that’s what!

    Pool  Part 2 - Back in the water we go as angel tries to find her footing, dem secures another cap over her face, how long can she last under water.  By the way she struggling not long, but dem holds her under, and then brings her up just long enough to gasp for air before he sends her back down.

    New Year Exercise  Part 4 - Angels poor arms got tired  in the air the way they were, so demetrius gives her a break . . . He still suffocates her with a silicone swim cap though, let’s not get stupid . . .

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